How to denote euro(€) symbol in LaTeX?

Euro is official currency of the European Union, denoted by the € symbol. By default \texteuro command is used to represent this symbol in latex.

Symbol Euro
Type Currency
Package textcomp, eurosym, marvosym
Command \texteuro, \euro, …,etc
Example 100\texteuro → 100 €
  \texteuro \\

Output :

Euro currency symbol of European Union in latex.

However, the textcomp package contains the same command \texteuro.

  \texteuro \\

Output :

Euro currency symbol with textcomp package 

Eurosym package in LaTeX

In Latex, special eurosym packages have been defined for the Euro symbol that contains multiple commands.

  100 \euro \\
  150 \geneuro \\
  120 \geneuronarrow \\
  180 \geneurowide \\
  200 \officialeuro

Output :

Euro currency symbol with eurosym package 

And among the multiple commands in eurosym package, using the \euro command is best practice.

Marvosym package in LaTeX

The marvosym package also has multiple commands with multiple fonts to define the Euro symbol. However, there will be slight morphological differences between the symbols according to the different fonts.

Fonts Command
Courier \EURcr
Helvetica \EURhv
Times \EURtm
  1.Normal font $\rightarrow$ 100 \EUR \\
  2.Courier font $\rightarrow$ 100 \EURcr \\
  3.Helvetica font $\rightarrow$ 100 \EURhv \\
  4.Times font $\rightarrow$ 100 \EURtm 

Output :

Euro currency symbol with marvosym package 

Each command is used in text mode to define this symbol. In my opinion, using the default \texteuro command for the euro symbol is a better option.

Md Jidan Mondal

LaTeX expert with over 10 years of experience in document preparation and typesetting. Specializes in creating professional documents, reports, and presentations using LaTeX.

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