How to write percent(%) symbol in LaTeX?

If you use backslash \ before the percent % symbol in latex, you will return % symbol as the output.

And this is the easiest way to represent % symbol in a document.

Symbol Percent
Type of symbol Operator
Package No
Argument No
Latex command \%
Example A \% B → A % B
   \[ \frac{2}{5} = 40\% \]
   \[ \frac{3}{5} = 60\% \]

Output :

Insert percent symbol in math mode.

By mistake, you will always try to use the keyboard’s percent symbol indirect text. However, as a result, you will not see any percentage symbol as output.

% latex percent symbol
  $ 0.6 = 60\% $

Output :

Latex percentage symbol.

Because % symbol in latex is only used to represent single line comment.

Insert percentage symbol in text

In the case of text mode, you need to add \ symbol before % symbol. There is no separate rule for this.

If you use only a percentage(%) symbol in a text, the text on the right side of percentage symbol will be converted to a single-line comment.

   50\% means 50 per 100 \\[4pt]
   25% means 25 per 100

Output :

Insert percentage symbol in text mode.

Use siunitx package for value and percentage symbol

In this package, the percent symbol has been considered as SI Unit. As a result, you can print the value and symbol together in the document.

    \[ \qty{75}{\percent} = \frac{75}{100}  \]  
    \[ \qty[color=red]{45}{\percent} = \frac{45}{100}  \] 
    \[ \qty[unit-color=red]{32}{\percent} = \frac{32}{100}  \] 

Output :

Use siunitx package to denote percentage symbol

Md Jidan Mondal

LaTeX expert with over 10 years of experience in document preparation and typesetting. Specializes in creating professional documents, reports, and presentations using LaTeX.

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