How to use mathbb command in LaTeX like mathbb{1}?

\mathbb command is used to convert uppercase and lowercase letters to blackboard-bold in terms of shape.

This command does not exist in latex by default. For this, you need to install different packages. And for different packages, there will be some structural differences between the output of this \mathbb command.

If you just want to turn uppercase letters into blackboard-bold, you need to install the amsfonts, amssymb, txfonts, and fxfonts packages for the \mathbb command.

Package Command and output
amsfonts \mathbb{ABC}blackboard-bold of ABC
amssymb \mathbb{PQR} → blackboard-bold of PQR
txfonts \mathbb{ABC}blackboard-bold of ABC
pxfonts \mathbb{PQR} → blackboard-bold of ABC
  \[ \mathbb{ABCDEF} \] 

Output :

blackboard-bold of ABCDEF

You know that the sets of different types of numbering systems are written in blackboard-bold form. For example real number, natural number, complex number, … etc

  \[ \mathbb{N} \; \; \mathbb{W} \]
  \[ \mathbb{R} \; \; \mathbb{C} \]
  \[ \mathbb{Z} \; \; \mathbb{Q} \]

Output :

number system in Latex

And in case of latex program above, if you pass the lowercase letters and numbers as an argument in \mathbb command, then the output will show you wrong.

Of course, you can turn lowercase letters and numbers into blackboard-bold. But, for this, you need to insert bbold package.

  \[ \mathbb{ABC} \]
  \[ \mathbb{abc} \]
  \[ \mathbb{123} \]
  \[ \mathbb{ABCdef123} \]

Output :

blackboard-bold form for letters and numbers

Exclude \mathbb commands in latex. More than one command of the same type that completes same task. For example, the \varmathbb command is present in the txfonts and pxfonts packages.

  \[ \varmathbb{ABC} \]
  \[ \varmathbb{ABCdf} \]
  \[\varmathbb{AaBbCc123} \]

Output :

blackboard-bold form of ABC

You can pass any expression as an argument in \varmathbb command. However, \varmathbb command will ignore all letters and digits except the uppercase letter.

In this tutorial, \mathbb commands have been used in more than one way and have yielded more than one result. However, best practice is to use amsfonts and amssymb packages for mathbb commands.

Md Jidan Mondal

LaTeX expert with over 10 years of experience in document preparation and typesetting. Specializes in creating professional documents, reports, and presentations using LaTeX.

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